Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sisterhood of the Hoodies

We've sold more hoodies than any other item in our Nepal line.   Our customers love them!  Each one is as unique as the person who wears it and they look fabulous on every body shape.  So there are a ton of you out there who are part of the "sisterhood of the hoodie!"  You've heard of the "traveling pants"?  We thought it would be fun to sponsor a giveaway for another hoodie for the best story from one of our customers.  "What did you do while wearing your hoodie?"  You have until Nov 5 to tell us your story.... 

I have sold my hoodie right off my body to a shopper at the Gateway who couldn't wait to have one of her own.  I have worn my hoodie to California, San Antonio and Mexico (twice).   But the best story of all, is after over a year of teasing me about my hoodies from Nepal, and vowing to never wear anything I would pick out (sounds like a teenager) , my 13 yr. old put one on!  She wore it all day at Six Flaggs over Texas and looked adorable in it!    (Maybe it was because we were out of state and she wouldn't run the risk of being seen in it!   Ha Ha)  Here is proof!  Am I right?  She is adorable and so is the hoodie.


Alyssa said...

Whenever I wear my hoodie I get complements, even though as a partner of this outfit I got stuck with one of my "not so favorites" still when I wear it... People LOVE it! Thanks for bringing them to us Melissa and Amy!

suzi said...

Those hoodies are totally cute. How can I get one before Nov
5th? ;) Alyssa, my email is:

Jeni Gochnour said...

Hi friend - I would love to do your show - but I will have to confirm later!! I love your blog - and I also get so many compliments on my HOODIE - so thanks - love the three of you!!!

Unknown said...

I love those hoodies. They are so original and cute! I could do advertising for you every time I wear it!

Alyssa said...

Thanks for all your comments!
We will be announcing the winner on Monday!

Riley's 2008 said...

Your hoodies are so cute and stylish. I love it when I see people wearing them because I know who they got them from. Even a mom like me can wear them and still feel young and hip! Thank you to the sisterhood of the hoodies!